Wash your hands during this pandemic, Covid 19.
It has always been important to wash your hands but now, more than ever, with this pandemic of Covid 19, it is vital that you wash your hands thoroughly. To do so, you must spend at least 20 seconds washing them with soap. Soap destroys the bacteria by destroying its outside coat rendering it harmless.
The reason why you should wash your hands is that we, unconsciously, put our hands to our face several times an hour and these same hands tend to touch lots of surfaces that could potentially have the virus (which can live on surfaces for up to 4 hours) . Then we go scratch our eyes or put our finger in our mouth and BINGO the virus has been able to enter its new host.
It's that simple! So WASH THOSE HANDS as often as your think of it and while you're at it why not try our natural handmade soap