The Marvels of the Aloe Vera Plant

The Marvels of the Aloe Vera Plant 

aloe vera plant

We all know that Aloe Vera is super for sun burn.  It eases the itchiness, heat and soreness that comes from getting burnt by the sun.  We also know it as a digestive aid, good for the bowels in that is acts as a laxative.  It has anti-inflammatory properties. It heals minor cuts and wounds.  I don't make any major claims myself  about its many benefits but I can tell a story that really brought home to me the wonders and marvels of aloe vera.  Here it is.

While on holidays in Italy a few years ago,Miguel, our son, went into the sea and was playing around the rocks when suddenly he felt a sting on his leg.  He quickly came running to us in a pani.  On his leg was the mark of a jelly fish tentacle.  It was very painful and of course he was very agitated.  Some lady doctor was close by and saw the commotion.  She quickly came to us and asked us to go into the beach restaurant and ask them for some aloe vera.  This we did and applied to the wounds on Miguel's leg.  Within half an hour, the stinging feeling had gone, Miguel was once more quiet and not in pain.  The aloe vera had done it's magic.  

Since then I've had a great regard for the aloe vera plant and always have it in some form or other in my medicine chest.

Mind you, I since found out that if we hadn't been able to get the aloe vera, we could have applied urine to the wound.  Just as well there was aloe vera!!!

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