The Healing Power of Plants Part 2
The Healing Power of Plants
Not so long ago I blogged about the healing power of plants and I said I'd come back with more so here I am! And here is a list of more healing plants
Lavender. This is definitely my favourite of all especially the essential oil of it. It goes into all the skincare I make because it is great for the skin - healing, antiseptic, calming and soothing. I also use this in my concoction I have for cleaning the bathroom. Lavar means to wash so it's no wonder that lavander is a derivative of that word.
Plantain (Plantago) - also a great skin healer.
Comfrey. Comfrey contains allantoin - a natural softener. It is also good for sprains, broken bones and tissue regeneration. It also reduces inflamation
Marshmallow. Marshmallow is good for coughs and colds. It may also be good for skin irritation.
Frankincense helps connect with your spiritual side. It is wonderfully calming and the fragrance from it seems to be holy. No wonder they use it in churches! But it is also great for mature skin as it helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
Calendula. My second favourite plant for skin. I don't want to swear by it but I use calendula on my skin on a daily basis and when I am in the sun, I never burn. I believe it is the calendula at work but I could be wrong!!. Calendula for me is the sun in the winter when there is very little sun about. It is healing on my skin and I love the gentle aroma it gives off.
There are other healing plants which I will talk about in Part 3. Don't wait for me with bated breath!