The Benefits of Aloe Vera for the Skin
The Benefits of Aloe Vera for the Skin
It's widely known that Aloe Vera is really great for sun burn but it has many other uses besides
- It accelerates the healing of wounds
- Soothes and relieves sun burn
- Might be a sun screen
- Softens and hydrates the skin
- Taken internally it is good for constipation.
I used it once when I got shingles. I had a plant and I used to take off one of the "leaves" and leave it standing vertically to get rid of the substance that can be irritating, then cut off the spines at the side, take the skin off to reveal the juice inside. This I used to use on the sores on my back to give me relief and quick healing. This I did for only two weeks and after that time there were no more sores. Warning, I am not saying that you should do likewise. Shingles are a serious illness and must be treated so. But all I'm saying is that Aloe Vera really helped my sores to heal.
We have, as part of our night face cream range, a cream with aloe vera butter, great for all skin types