Our Skin Care Products Are Handmade in Small Batches

natural skincare made in small batches

We make all our skin care products in small batches, each one getting careful attention, all the finer details taken care of.  Quality is important to us and, in order to maintain this high standard, we need to have full control and in order to have control, we need to not overburden our capacity to create.  As they say, if you want anything done properly you have to do it yourself. There's no major assembly line here.  We are not a factory that has many people working for us.  No, we do it all ourselves and that way can ensure the product is well made. All our batches of balms; beard, body or other along with our lip balms and cream deodorants are all handmade in small batches: between 20 and 50 at a time. No "doling out "  of hundreds of the same thing.  No siree!   That way, it's always a pleasure making them and it doesn't become a tiresome chore.  Good energy and good vibes go into the making.  This, we feel, is important to the finished product.  It possesses "Good Karma" and careful attention is given to each tin.  Each tin is filled up to the last possible drop and that requires concentration.  What you get is a tin of whatever the skincare is, be it hand cream or lip balm that is of the highest quality.  The same applies to all of our skincare; our night face creams, and our facial oil cleansers.  These we make 10/20 at a time depending on the volume of demand.

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