Coconut Oil As An Anti-inflammatory
Coconut Oil As An Anti-inflammatory
My knowledge of coconut oil as an anti-inflammatory is based on personal experience to a large extent. I have used it on and off for various ailments in the past. One of those was when I had inflammation around one of the discs in my back. I used to rub organic coconut on the affected area and then used to get some relief. I was never quite sure whether this was phycological or not but it seemed to work.
Another time was when all my joints swelled up due to a tick bite and consequently Lyme Disease. This time, I was taking a tablespoon of coconut oil gently heated up and throwing in a tablespoon of turmeric and a dash of pepper to help with the inflammation. Again, this seemed to work and I'm not quite sure whether it phycological or not.
Now I am not, for one minute, recommending that you rely on this. It is worth a try thought. But just be careful to not eat too much! It is quite fattening (although they make claims that it helps burn up energy and therefore you can lose weight) and it might be heavy in cholesterol so not so hot for the heart. Small amounts are sufficient.
And it's great for your skin and hair. But don't overuse it. It can also dry out your skin!!!