Citronella & Pine Handmade Natural Soap with Peat
Citronella and Pine Natural Soap with Peat
Yes, you heard right. There is some peat in the soap. It came from Pullough, in the heart of the Offaly Bog. This morning, I had to get some of the peat ready by sieving it and then throwing it into the oven for 10/20 minutes. I did this just to make sure that any impurities would be killed off.
The Process of Making Cold Processed Soap
It's not so easy to make soap:harder than you think really!! First all ingredients have to measured out carefully, the lye (a solution of caustic soda with rain water) and then all the oils and butters and essential oils. The weighing is very important as by the end of 5/6 weeks, you want a soap that has a ph balance of between 7 and 10. Any higher and you're in trouble. Cold processed soap really is very kind to the skin if strict weighing is adhered to.
This morning I made Citronella and Pine Soap and I felt invigorated after it. the smell of the citronella and the pine was so fresh and uplifting. This time I decided I would put in only a little peat or less that I have used in the past. Really all you want is just a few dark flecks in the soap. You don't want the sink getting all dirty with the residue of the peat. I think today's one was a total success. I'll let you all know in 5/6 weeks when I can pack them away and take them out of their curing spot in the back hall.