A Skin Tonic Breakfast

A Skin Tonic Breakfast

skin tonic breakfast



No I don't mean a celery and spinach  juice, nor a glass of pure lemon juice.  Although the these would be also tonic for the skin.  I'm talking about one of my favourite pick me up breakfasts, especially when I've postponed breakfast for about 4 hours after getting up and I'm ravenous.  I take from the cupboard my favourite of all organic peanut butter, followed swiftly by the organic tahini paste (sesame seed paste), bulgarian honey from the local health shop (Thanks Mustafa!)  and one lovely ripe organic banana from the fruit bowl.  I cut two pieces of organic sour dough bread (courtesy of Durrow Mills, here in the surrounds of Tullamore.  She makes sprouted wheat sour dough bread and it's like being in Heaven when you eat it) and toast them.  I mash everything else (except the bread of course) together to make a sloppy (yummy) mixture and spread on the toasted bread. 

Washed down with a cup of hot tea, or, in my case, a cup of hot water, I can feel the goodness of it coming out of my pores (that could be my wild imagination running even wilder) :-

  • the anti-oxidants, the anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties of the sesame oil and the peanuts,
  • the bananas rehydrating and moisturising the skin,
  • and the vital vitamins and minerals in the honey along with its healing benefits.
  • All that plus the fact that I drink hot water instead of tea which also helps to rehydrate the skin

I am not an expert nutritionist so don't take me by my word.  But do try it sometime and really do make sure you have good quality ingredients, preferably organic.  Remember, we are what we eat and our skin also is what we eat!!!


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