A Natural Sunblock Recipe
Using a basic cream and adding zinc oxide to it can offer a sunblock of SPF 30. This means it takes 30 times more UV radiation to burn your skin when it is covered with sunblock of same strength than it takes when your skin is not protected.
You can buy your own basic cream or you can make it or you can purchase some of our skincare products such as face cream. This face cream has the added advantage of being moisturising too.

The zinc oxide should be micronised (in the micron size range) . These are safer than nano particles which may be absorbed through the skin. Try your local chemists, etsy or amazon for cosmetic grade zinc oxide. Here is the recipe
21 grams zinc oxide powder
I tblsp. almond oil
65 grams basic cream
- Wear a mask while weighing out so you don't absorb the powder
- Add the powder to a mortar and pestle
- Now add the oil and mix well to form a smooth lump-free paste
- Slowly add the basic cream mixing very well with the pestle all the time.
- Transfer the cream to a glass jar.
- Use generous amounts when required on face and neck