Beneficial Essential Oils For The Hair

We all have had "bad hair days" and problems to do with our hair and scalp.  Some of us suffer more than others with dandruff, dry scalp, frizzy hair, oily hair and hair loss.  Some of these complications can be reduced or eliminated with the help of essential oils.

Essential Oils to Treat Hair Loss

I recently had a friend who was suffering from patches of hair loss, which occurred in him out of the blue.  So we researched it and asked around.  What we came up with was that 3 drops of rosemary essential oil in 75 grams of castor oil was a great sollution.  It would seem that this hair loss in him was due to stress so any essential oil that reduces stress could help with the stress levels.  Those include lavender, clary sage, geranium and chamomile.  

Essential Oils For Dark Hair/Light Hair.

Interesting enough, rosemary essential oil il is also a great oil in a rinse for people with dark hair.  And another fact about rosemary essential oil is that it is great for concentration.  But I diverse!!  Chamomile essential oil has traditionally being used in a rinse for people with fair or blonde hair and brings out those tones in the hair.

Essential Oils to Treat Dandruff/Dry Scalp

This is a common problem and one that causes much anxiety and embarrassment.  It can be best treated with a combination of lavender and bergamot essential oil in a carrier oil at a ratio of 3% essential oil to 97% carrier oil of you choice.  (Argan oil would be a good carrier oil but also sweet almond oil)

Essential Oils to Treat Frizzy Hair

A really good carrier oil for frizzy hair is argan oil and add chamomile or lavender at 3% to the mix and you have a great solution.  This can be added to the hair and scalp a few nights a week wrapping it in a shower cap and a hat.  This can then be washed out the next morning in the shower with a gentle shampoo

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